Hemorrhoid No More PDF / Guide Jessica Wright's Book Free Download | Page 17
T h e D i f f e r e n c e B e t w e e n A F i s s u r e a n d a
H e m o r r h o i d
Most of us confuse fissures with hemorrhoids. After all, they both cause pain and
discomfort in the same bodily region and can result in rectal bleeding. It is
important, however, to understand that they are not the same thing.
As we have already discussed, a hemorrhoid is a varicose vein in or around the
rectum. A fissure is a small tear in the hemorrhoid (vein) or the actual intestinal
wall. This is what causes the bleeding that is experienced with fissures.
Although they are not dangerous in and of themselves, fissures can be a sign of
a more serious problem and should be looked at by your doctor.
Some common causes for fissures include:
• constipation or hardened stool
• poor digestion ( which causes foods and waste travelling through the
intestine to become acidic)
• Crohn’s Disease
• Irritable Bowe Syndrome
| Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright
Page 18