Hemorrhoid No More PDF / Guide Jessica Wright's Book Free Download | Page 15

16 The hemorrhoidal plexus is the place in the rectum where this intricate weave of veins connect together in a sort of web, keeping the blood flow constant between that area and the rest of the body. The veins inside of the rectal opening are called internal hemorrhoidal veins; while the ones located outside of the rectal opening are called external hemorrhoidal veins. The odds are that you never even noticed that these veins existed, until they became inflamed, causing the problem most people refer to as “hemorrhoids.” The same kind of varicose veins we see protruding from the skin in our legs, hemorrhoids are merely protruding internal or external veins that have become irritated and inflamed due to a specific cause. When severe, they can cause intense pain, stinging and even bleeding and must be dealt with. Even a minor case of hemorrhoids, however, should not be ignored. They are a sign that something in the body is not working properly and needs your attention. T y p e s o f H e m o r r h o i d s Although they may feel similar, not every hemorrhoid is alike. First, there are internal and external ones. Internal hemorrhoids are enlarged veins which protrude (or prolapse) out of the opening of the anus. They usually hurt and can even bleed. | Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright Page 16