Hemorrhoid No More PDF / Guide Jessica Wright's Book Free Download | Page 14

15 C h a p t e r O n e : E v e r y t h i n g Y o u N e e d t o K n o w A b o u t H e m o r r h o i d s If you have picked up this book, the odds are good that you either suffer from hemorrhoids yourself, or you are intimately close to someone who does and are ready to end the cycle of pain and suffering they can cause. Before we can discuss the natural ways in which you can cure your hemorrhoids, it is important to understand what they are and what causes them. I know, I know, some of your reading this book may find a detailed chapter on the makings of a hemorrhoid rather distasteful. But trust me when I say, the more you understand what they are (and aren’t), the better prepared you will be to find the hemorrhoid treatment that will work best for you. W h a t A r e H e m o r r h o i d s ? When you think of hemorrhoids, you may think they are some strange and disgusting growth inside your anal cavity. That assumption would be completely false. Not really a growth at all, hemorrhoids are simply the veins inside of the rectum. Everyone has them. As a matter of fact, we have a lot of them! | Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright Page 15