Broccoli belongs to the green
family, which comes from the
cabbage descendent whose
name came from the Italian
word “broccolo” refers –the
flowering top of a cabbage. The
main health benefits of the
broccoli are
Antioxidant, anticancer,
aid in detoxification,
helps in digestion,
provides cardiovascular
support, skin care, eye
health and many more health
Anti-inflammatory property of
broccoli plays an important role
in suppressing NF-kappaB by
isothiocyanates, which is made
from glucosinolates, which is
produced by broccoli. This NFkappaB naturally produced in
our body, which aids the
initiation of anti-inflammatory
agents, but long standing in our
system leads to the
development of malignancies.
Anti- oxidant properties is
made possible by the presence
of vast amount of Vitamin
C.These antioxidants can
provide support to the oxygen
metabolism when these vitamin
C accompanied by flavonoids.
Broccoli produce such
flavonoids namely kaempferol
and quercitin. The carotenoids
produced by broccoli are
carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin,
and beta-carotene. These three
play the important role in
maintaining the anti –oxidants
properties of broccoli.