HeMe #3 | Page 13

Broccoli helps in detoxification process, which occurs in 2 phases. In phase one isothiocyanates and phase two sulforaphane makes the detoxification process effective. Broccoli is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Isothiocyanates— and particularly sulforaphane— help protect the health of our stomach lining by helping prevent bacterial overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori or too much clinging by this bacterium to our stomach wall. Therefore, this can be a simple helicobacter pylori kit but difference it is natural, tasty, and really it works absolutely without any upcoming side effects. The cardiovascular support of broccoli provided with the help of sulforaphane that prevent any damage to blood vessel due to high sugar content in blood. Then it helps in lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, supply of vitamin B complex to the body and prevents the effects or risk to the body caused by hyperhomocystinemia (excessive level of homocysteine) such as heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two carotenoids, which protect and nourish the eye health. Luteins concentrate more on the outer portion of the retina while zeaxanthin concentrate near the macular area of the retina, hence preventing any pathological changes and increasing the strength of the protective barrier of the eye. Anti- oxidant properties is made possible by the presence of vast amount of Vitamin C. These antioxidants can provide support to the oxygen metabolism when these vitamin C accompanied by flavonoids. Bro