HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 5

The few moments that he spends with each talmid gives Rabbi Bender an opportunity to connect with him, encourage him, and develop a relationship. to the middle school and to the mesivta and beis medrash. Advanced talmidim in 10th and 11th grades attend Rabbi Bender’s weekly Gemara shiur, and the yungeleit of the Kollel attend a bi-weekly vaad on chinuch and shalom bayis. More incredible are Rabbi Bender’s weekly visits to all classes from sixth through twelfth grade during which he returns and signs all limudei kodesh test papers. The few moments that he spends with each talmid gives Rabbi Bender an opportunity to connect with him, encourage him, and develop a relationship with him. A Parent’s Gratitude Lest anyone think that this is not significant, read the following excerpt from a letter to Mishpacha magazine submitted by a Darchei parent: “My son is a quiet young man with few words to say. Not much seems to inspire him either. The other day he came into the car at dismissal from school and I noticed that his eyes were lit up ... The Rosh HaYeshiva had come into the classrooms to give back the test papers ... [My son related:] ‘When Rabbi Bender returned my tests, he said....’” January 14, 2018 5 ‫תשע“ח‬ ‫טבת‬ ‫לכ“ח‬ ‫אור‬