HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 4

But as the Mishnah states: “Do not look at the jug but rather, at what it contains” (Avos 4:20). One has only to walk the halls of the Yeshiva — in any division — to see happy students, children and bachurim who are growing in their respective studies and developing into well-rounded, well- adjusted bnei Torah who will be an asset to their communities and a pride to the Jewish people. And one will notice something else. In a yeshiva whose student enrollment baruch Hashem exceeds 2,000, there is a warm, family-type atmosphere. How can this be? How does this multi- faceted institution maintain a close-knit feeling? Anyone associated with Darchei Torah will tell you: It begins at the top. Rabbi Yaakov Bender is a warm, sincere, caring and upbeat individual who has his finger on the pulse of every one of the Yeshiva’s classes. Rabbi Bender visits the preschool each week to teach the kindergarten children the aleph-beis while using the opportunity to impart important lessons about Torah and Middos (ches stands for chesed, for example). He delivers a monthly shmuess on the parshah to the elementary grades, and separate weekly shmuessen Rabbi Yaakov Bender is a warm, sincere, caring and upbeat individual who has his finger on the pulse of every one of the Yeshiva’s classes. January 14, 2018 4 ‫תשע“ח‬ ‫טבת‬ ‫לכ“ח‬ ‫אור‬