“It was a small compliment,
not much, yet it seemed
to give more energy that
night to my son. He studied a little harder that night, and it was easier
to wake him for Shacharis the next morning.
“Thank you, Rabbi Bender.”
A Stellar Makom Torah
At the chanukas habayis celebration of the elementary school building in
2011, the Novominsker Rebbe declared that the special siyata diShmaya
that Rabbi Bender has merited in developing a world-class mosad
haTorah is testimony to the fact that Hashem helps those who care for
His people. Darchei Torah is renowned for its high standard of academic
excellence both in limudei kodesh and secular studies. The majority of its
mesivta and beis medrash talmidim continue their learning at renowned
yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. Upon returning to the States, talmidim continue
their learning at Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood or return to Darchei's
Kollel Tirtza Devorah which currently has 30 full-time yungeleit and 30
part-time members.
The Yeshiva's alumni include scores of outstanding talmidei chachamim,
many of whom are successful mechanchim and maggidei shiur; and
businessmen and professionals who are defined by their commitment
to Torah learning and ideals. The general studies program is renowned
for its high caliber, and its students have won international science
January 14, 2018
תשע“ח טבת לכ“ח אור