HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 16

continues to be all about inclusion and bein adam lachaveiro, within a context of Torah learning on the highest level and academic excellence. Make Room for More As the fledgling Yeshiva Darchei Torah began to grow, it rented a series of spaces in shuls and other buildings. By 1981, it had found accommodations in a wing of a building on the campus of the Hartman YMHA, located on a huge property nearly the size of a city block. When the Hartman Y announced in 1991 that it was ready to close operations and sell off the entire property, it was clear that Darchei had been presented with a golden opportunity. Mr. Lloyd Keilson spearheaded the campaign to raise money for the purchase, miraculously managing to meet the six-month funding deadline. When a press release about the Yeshiva was published in The Jewish Press, it was spotted by Mr. Yaakov Melohn, a Manhattan-based businessman. After seeking the advice of his rebbi, Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l, Yaakov and his wife came forward to offer to help purchase the campus in memory of Yaakov’s father Yosef z”l. The Yeshiva was now in possession of an eight-and-a-half acre campus! January 14, 2018 16 ‫תשע“ח‬ ‫טבת‬ ‫לכ“ח‬ ‫אור‬