HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 15

2005 2006 resolved to establish a yeshiva where his children could learn. With the help of other community members, Yeshiva Darchei Torah rented space in a shul and opened its doors for a Pre-1A and first grade class in 1972. Five years later, when the Yeshiva needed a rebbi for seventh grade, Rabbi Yaakov Bender was hired. A Mirrer Yeshiva avreich with a reputation as an outstanding Tzeirei leader, Hatzolah askan and ba’al chesed, he did not yet have formal classroom experience. But Rav Bender’s exceptional talent soon revealed itself, and by the end of the academic year, R' Yisroel Bloom, R' Mendel Goldberg and Mr. Lloyd Keilson asked him to become the menahel. Rav Bender accepted, and laid out his philosophy of chinuch: He believed that excellent learning and excellent middos must always go hand in hand, and that a yeshiva has an obligation to educate every single talmid, whatever his strengths or challenges. Since then, the combination of high achievement in Torah and sensitivity to others’ needs has been the trademark of the Darchei talmid. From the earliest grades—where the Middos Mission program teaches the youngest boys—to the most senior avreichim, the Darchei hashkafah Today, Darchei has the distinction of being one of America’s largest yeshivos, and due to its excellence in creating lamdanim and ba’alei middos, it serves as a model for yeshivos worldwide. January 14, 2018 15 ‫תשע“ח‬ ‫טבת‬ ‫לכ“ח‬ ‫אור‬ 2017