“It’s such an incredible nachas for me, to see the amazing energy and
hasmadah of our yungeleit,” he says.
Darchei talmidim have a certain shleimus, a balance. They leave the
Yeshiva with a focus on learning, but they are also distinguished by
exceptional middos and a strong sense of chesed. The Yeshiva’s emphasis
on inclusion and working to reach each boy at his level produces a
yeshiva-wide spirit of growth, and a positive feeling so strong, visitors
sense it the minute they step onto the campus.
Founded as a community yeshiva, and shaped by the
vision of Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Darchei Torah has never
lost sight of the fact that community means everybody.
Every person has something to contribute; the beauty
of the tapestry comes from weaving in threads of all
colors and textures. Today, Darchei has the distinction of
being one of America’s largest yeshivos, and due to its
excellence in creating lamdanim and ba’alei middos, it
serves as a model for yeshivos worldwide.
Yeshiva Darchei Torah was the brainchild of R' Yisroel
Bloom a”h, who lived in Far Rockaway at a time when
there were no elementary yeshivos located in that
neighborhood. When his first son was born, Reb Yisroel