HEARTFELT - Yeshiva Darchei Torah Pre-Dinner Newsletter 2018 DarcheiNewsletter2018HighResSinglePages | Page 17

For the first 23 years of its existence, Darchei was an elementary school, sending its graduates to mesivtos throughout the country. All that changed when Rav Bender welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lowinger’s autistic son, Chaim Shlomo, into the fifth grade. The Lowingers had tried many schools and options for their son, and were thrilled when he seemed to finally find The Darchei hashkafah continues to be all about inclusion and bein adam lachaveiro, within a context of Torah learning on the highest level and academic excellence. his place at Darchei. They even subsequently moved their family to the neighboring village of Lawrence. But where could they send their son when he finished eighth grade? With Mr. Lowinger’s encouragement and support, Rav Bender opened Mesivta Chaim Shlomo – the Maurice and Edith Lowinger Mesivta High School - in 1995, and it was comprised of two classrooms adjoining the Yeshiva’s gymnasium. One year later, Chaim Shlomo Lowinger was welcomed as a talmid of its second ninth grade. Shortly afterward, the Mesivta moved into its own, newly constructed building. Mesivta Chaim Shlomo began with two parallel classes but grew in leaps and bounds after that. Success breeds success, and a few years later, as the