Healthy skeletal system October.2014 | Page 15

Risk Factors

Risk factors for most of the types of arthritis are similar including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

1.Family history: if any type of arthritis runs in the families, the generations to come are more likely to develop the disorder. The genes may not necessarily cause the arthritis, but the genes can make one susceptible to environmental factors that may trigger the arthritis.

2.Sex/gender: women are more likely to develop arthritis, due to their hormonal changes they have after menopause as their estrogen levels decrease.

3.Age: the older a person, the more likely it is to attain any form of arthritis, however it starts at almost the age of about 40 or 60 years. However other arthritis forms such as rheumatoid arthritis can happen to a person of any age, though it is not very common.

4.Previous joint injury: people who have injured a joint before perhaps while playing sports are more likely to develop arthritis in that joint because the joint loses its strength.

5.Obesity: carrying excess weight puts stress on the joints, particularly the knees, hips and spine. This may damage the joints hence causing a type of arthritis.


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