Food Safety
During pregnancy , you have an increased risk of foodborne illness ( food poisoning ). It is important that food is handled , stored and prepared properly to avoid becoming ill .
Preparing Food
Follow these safe practices when preparing your food :
• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before and after handling food .
• Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables .
• Prepare raw meat separately from other foods , including separate utensils and equipment ( such as cutting boards ).
• Do not wash raw meat .
• Always cook meat thoroughly , heating to an internal minimum temperature of 160 ° F / 71 ° C .
• Wash utensils with hot , soapy water .
Storing Food
Always follow recommended guidelines for food storage .
• Store each food item in sealed , air-tight containers or bags .
• Store each food separately to avoid crosscontamination .
• Don ’ t leave food out at room temperature . Refrigerate or freeze leftovers right away .
• Label and date foods before storing .
• Cook or reheat leftovers hot enough to eliminate pathogens .
• Do not store leftovers for more than a few days . United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) provides safe storage limits for specific foods on their website .
• If you ’ re not sure how long an item has been stored , or food looks , tastes , or smells odd in any way , throw it away .
Knowing where your food comes from is also an important step to staying safe . Food recalls are sometimes issued as a result of outbreaks of E . coli , salmonella or other contaminants . Be sure to pay attention to food recalls and be aware if any of your food purchases are affected by recalls .
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