Pregnancy Fitness
Unless you have risk factors that prevent being active , exercise is important during pregnancy .
Guidelines for Exercise
• Check with your health care provider before beginning or making major changes to an exercise routine .
• Be sure to allow time for stretching , warm up and cool down .
• Eat a snack before and after exercising . Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration .
• Avoid lying flat on your back after the first trimester .
• If you had a workout routine prior to becoming pregnant , in most cases it is safe to continue , but modifications may be needed as your pregnancy progresses .
• Use caution with activities requiring balance . As your belly grows , your center of gravity shifts and may make it easier to fall .
• Pay attention to your body and follow any signs to slow down or stop while exercising . You should be able to talk while exercising . Slow down if you cannot .
Benefits of Exercise
• More stamina to handle labor .
• Lower stress levels and better mental and emotional health .
• Increased energy levels .
• Improved posture .
• Improved strength and flexibility .
• Better digestion and sleep .
• Healthier baby .
• Shorter labor .
Exercise Precautions
If you have any chronic health conditions such as asthma , heart disease , diabetes or arthritis , be sure to discuss safe exercise options with your health care provider before beginning any routines .
Also check with your provider if you have any pregnancy-related concerns such as bleeding , a low-lying placenta , or if you are at risk for miscarriage or premature birth . Don ’ t exercise while you are sick .
If you experience any of the following symptoms while exercising , stop right away and contact your health care provider .
• Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid .
• Dizziness or feeling lightheaded .
• Chest pain .
• Severe headache .
• Severe weakness or fatigue .
• Severe swelling .
• Contractions ( before 37 weeks ).
18 Healthy Pregnancy