Healthy Meal Plan Healthy Eating Tips | Page 5

Eat Healthy To Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Healthy eating protects the heart from damage , whereas unhealthy eating contains fats that clog your arteries and prevent the heart from receiving adequate blood supply for optimal functioning . When the symptoms are severe , you should see a doctor as soon as possible . Your doctor can properly diagnose the condition , identify symptoms , devise an appropriate treatment plan , and guide you regarding diet and exercise to take care of yourself .
When your dietary regimen includes saturated fats , sugar , salt and cholesterol , you run a higher risk of suffering from heart diseases . High cholesterol levels or bad cholesterol – LDL – leads to the formation of plaques and clogs arteries . If you are overweight or obese , there is a higher likelihood of developing a heart condition . Sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity also puts you at risk of heart attacks .
Eating health can effectively reduce your risks of obesity , coronary heart diseases , LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure . Healthy food also provides your body with the necessary nutrients that are required every day . You are in a better position to recover from heart conditions or cardiac arrest if you eat well . It ’ s tricky to change your eating habits because old habits die hard . The key is to take small steps every day to reduce your cravings for junk food .