Healthy Meal Plan Healthy Eating Tips | Page 4

You Do Not Have to Diet, Maintain A Balanced Diet Instead Whole grains: ◦ This includes whole wheat bread, pasta, cereal etc. to purchase a whole wheat food staple look for the word “whole” or “whole grain” on the packaging of the product. Fruits and Vegetables: ◦ Fruits and vegetables have an abundance of vitamins, fibre, and minerals present within them, because of which nutritionists recommend having approximately 4 – 5 cups of this food group every day. Protein ◦ The protein-rich fruits also contain hefty amounts of iron, zinc, magnesium, and zinc. Food sources that include generous amounts of protein are fish, eggs, beans, nuts, and soya. Dairy ◦ Calcium-rich foods such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese are highly rich in calcium. If you wish to keep its usage to a minimum buy low-fat dairy products. Fats ◦ There are the good fats (unsaturated fats such as avocado and fish) and the bad fats (saturated fats like cream and fried food). The unsaturated fats are important for brain health, energy, skin, hair, and joints.