Healthy Meal Plan - Best
Tips for Healthy Eating
Include Starchy Carbohydrates to Your Diet
◦ About one-third of the food you eat should come from starchy carbohydrates. It is important to
include at least one starchy food with all your main meals. It is also recommended to choose
wholegrain varieties as they keep you fuller for longer as they have a rich quantity of fibre in
them. It is important to keep an eye on the amount of fat you add to the starchy carbohydrates
when you are cooking them as it can lead to an increase in the overall calorie content.
Include a Lot of Fruits and Vegetables to Your Daily Diet
◦ As per the experts, it is important to include at least five portions of vegetables and fruits to your
daily diet. It might sound easy, but doing this practically can be an issue. The best thing to do is
add fruits and vegetables to your regular meals. Chop a banana over your morning cereal or add
some fresh strawberries. Swap your snacks for fruits or vegetable salads. It is important to note
that fruit juices cannot make up enough for eating fruits. Therefore, you should not swap fruit
and vegetables smoothies for their fresh counterparts.
Add Fish to Your Diet
◦ Not only do fish contain a lot of proteins, but is also a rich source of many minerals and vitamins.
You should eat fish at least twice each week. You should also include a portion of oily fish to your
diet as it is rich in omega 3 fats and can be really helpful to prevent heart diseases.
Cut Down on Sugar and Fats
◦ While our body does need some amount of sugar and fats to work properly, overdoing it can lead
to serious health issues. Eating too much saturated fat can lead to an increase in blood
cholesterol which further causes heart issues. Thus, you should include more of unsaturated fats
in your diet in replacement of saturated ones.