Healthy & Happy Volume 1 | Page 10

Is Sugar Bad FOr you?

Excessive sugar in your everyday diet is not the wisest decision when it comes to healthy living. Worldwide we are consuming about 500 extra calories a day from sugar itself. Most people know that sgar isbad for them, but for some reason, they think the risks of excess sugar consumption is less than having too much saturated and trans fat, sodium, and calories.If you really knew what sugar was doing to your body,you night just put it at the top of you "foods to avoid" list. Here are five facts about sugar that might surprise you.

1.)Sugar can damage your heart

A 2013 study in The Jornal of the American Heart Association displayed strong evidence that sugar can affect the puming mechanism of your heart, and it also increases the risk of heart failure.

2.) Sugar Promotes belly fat

Adolescent obesity rates have tripled in the past 30 years and childhod obesity rights have douboled. A 2010 study found that excess fructose intake ( but not gluctose intake) actually caused visceral fat cells to mature-- setting the stage for a big belly and even bigger future risk for heart disease and diabtes.