3.) Sugar may be linked to cancer production and may effect cancer survivial.
A 2013 study found that sugarsin the intestine triggered the formation of a formation of a hormone called GIP, that in turn, increases insulin realesed by the pancreas. Researchers found that B- catenin may affect the cells suseptibility to cancer formation.
4.) sugar may sap your brain power
A 2013 study found a positive relationship between gluctose consumption and the aging f our cells. Agingcells consequently can be the cause of something as simple as wrinkles to somthing as dire as chronic disease.Also a study in 2012 found that excess sugar conumption was linked to loss in memory and overall cognitive health.
5.) An overload of sugar (mostly from beverages) can cause a shorter life
A 2013 study estimated that 180,00 deaths worldwide may be attributed to sweetend beverage consumption. The United States alone accounted for 25,00O deaths in 2010.