Classification of Drugs
-Stimulants- Drugs that spped up activites of the central nervous system.
-Depresents- Psycoactive drugs that slow down brain and body reactions.
-Narcotics- Natural or synthetic rugs thagt relieve pain.
-Inhalents- Drugs breathed through the nose tpo produce the desired effect.
-Hallucinogens- Psycoactive drugs that alter precipitation, thought and mood
-Emotional or behavioral problems
-Physical Apperence
-School Activity/ School Performance
-Withdrawls from family and friends
Signs and symptoms of Substance Abuse
Behavioral Effect
-Slow reaction time
-Slowed speech
-Lack of Energy
-poor Motivation
-Limited Attention Span
-Excessive Talking
Social AcTIVITY-
-Skiiping School
-Sleeping in class
-Drops old friends & activities
-Loses intrest in school
The Abuse Of Drugs