Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World | Page 7

7 Interpretarea rezultatelor chestionarului Mehmet Burak ANLATICI-Yasemin Erman Balsu Anadolu Lisesi Gaziantep/TURKEY The age groups of our students are very critical. They spend most of their days at school. They eat lunch at school. They spend a great deal of time in school, so they are inevitable. They should avoid foods that are mainly sugar and carbohydrates, and should prefer foods with high nutritional value. In addition, the stressful atmosphere of the intensive academic program; we must color with physical activities, exercise exercises and educational games. To summarize this survey briefly: Students: they are not able to take full care of food selection, regular sleep, physical activity, and addiction to the digital world. We see that it has a bubble but it becomes insufficient. Their involvement in the büyük Health and Lifestyle in the Digital World project has aroused great interest. Not only did the questions in the survey attracted their attention and they looked into their lives and began to pay more attention. From the very beginning, the project started to have an impact on young people. Digital is spending a lot of time in the world. "Efficient use of technology" can create awareness through various activities. We can save students with 3 important items from the negative effects of digital world. Sports, books and nature. BURDUR ANADOLU İHL(Esengül Başçoban) Our Students eat 3 meals a day, usually after the evening 21 eat their food, breakfast and lunch and lunch in the school they eat in the home were found to eat at home. Which of these are most likely your breakfast? My students answer tea and the other . my students are known to prefer puji and simiti with tea at the breakfast. It is seen that students who eat lunch at school don't prefer fast food at dinner. They chose to fried food. It is seen that our students often prefer sugary foods and that their use of salt should be controlled. Some students did not have proper body posture and they have back pains. Some students stated that they do regular sports. The importance of regular sports for healthy life will be emphasized. Most of the students don’t exercisein a gym or practice at home a workout routine. Most of the students don’t use your phone as a tool to reach your health and fitness goals. 6-8 hours do they usually during the night sleep from Monday to Friday and they usually sleep well . Some students are not satisfied with your body weight. All of our students want to improve your time management skills. Students who spend a large part of their time on the phone and the internet said that questionare they did not enter the internet more than two hours a day. However, 55% of the students in the smart phone addiction survey at school were at risk of being addicted to phone addiction. Some of our students stated that they are often stressed and unhappy, and that they spend time in nature twice a week. Some students were smoking but they did not use alcohol.