Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World | Page 22
Hi, my name is Kristína Janošková, I found some links on the Internet. I hope they will also help you with
improving sleep:
to relieve stress:
and to improve the time management skills:
Hi, I’m Dodo again and this time I’ve been doing some researches about HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY TIME
MANAGEMENT SKILLS? Most of the times I manage to organize my time well so that I can fulfil every task I
had on a certain day, but sometimes my time management skills don’t have such great results. That’s why I’ve
been curious about how can I improve these skills. Most of us probably think they can manage time better by
tagging a couple of extra hours on, such as sleep hours. But this is completely unhealthy, because as we all
know people need on average 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night to let their mind and body restore for the next
day. As my teammates said before, these hours of sleep are very important for our bodies, their absence having
bad effects on us.
Managing time better doesn’t mean that we have to tag extra hours on, but organize our activities properly
on time so that we can complete them during the hours that we already have. First of all have to know what
tasks we have to complete on that day, than we can start deciding which of them are the most important and
effective for us. Another great advice is to try to do your tasks as early as possible and not to let them on the
“to do” list for tomorrow, but on the “to do” list for today, taking care also not to put yourself in the position
of doing multiple tasks in the same time. We can continue by making a schedule to help ourselves, and of
course we must do all of these not stressing at all. There is no time to stress. :)
Hi my name is Beyza Nur BOZ, How to do time management.?
Time management, goals and objectives to use time efficiently trying to achieve event. Nowadays time
management or time use is of great importance for individuals. Time management not only does it mean that
time control is important, but control of time provides the most It can be counted as important elements. not
to speak of success. Actually, I couldn't use the time. it is time can not find. many comments have been made
on this subject. reasons such as unplanned, scattered table, priority can not determine, can not say...To
overcome them: When doing time management, list your tasks according to the degree of urgency. Remember
that every job you do does not have the same priority value. Do not do more than one job at the same time.
The quality of the work done will not be high. Because of the time management skills to finish the job before
another job should not be passed. Sound balance is very important during the work done.conferences can be
attended to seminars. work planned and create sleep patterns. Remember that your life you will be guided.for
detailed information: ,
lifestyle in general?
Get all the food and a few simple recipes and cook. select as far as possible 100% pure essential oils. your
personal materials like shampoo soap belong to your means doing everything you can to get enough
sleep and reduce the stress in your life. strictly stay away from stress. determine how self- care will be for you
and take a step to make it happen. take 3 days a week, only 30 minutes per day, as much as possible. park your
car away. plenty of walking . take a step gauge and target 10.000 steps per day. your body will thank you.:)
Hi, I’m Ecem. I will give you some information about how we can rest our souls. Most of the life of the person
is to rest his soul at once. There are also various ways of listening.
* Be sure to solve puzzles whenever you find time. Solving puzzles is the best exercise for the brain.
* You can try painting. Drawing is developing the right lobe of our brain.