Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World Health&Lifestyle In A Digital World | Page 16

16 Munca în echipe internaționale Maghear Andra,Rus Stefania - from Colegiul Național Pedagogic “Gh. Lazăr”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Fatma AKBAŞ, Feraye AKGÜN- from Burdur Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Daniela Kolenčíková- from Stredná zdravotnícka škola Žilina, Slovensko Gonca Gül TÜRKYILMAZ.- from Beşikdüzü IMKB Fen Lisesi- Trabzon/TURKEY My name is Stefania Rus and I go to the gym every day when I can and I have noticed many changes ,not just about my physique but also about my health and intellectual activities. If you do not want to pay to go to the gym, my advice is to save an hour to do some simple exercises. You can look for exercises on the internet and do what the person who explains says. It is very important not to do the exercises alone, without having a source of information about how to do those exercises because you risk hurting yourself. Even if you do not notice changes immediately after you start exercising you do not have to discourage yourself. The changes will appear along the way and when your colleagues and friends will make you compliments you will feel very proud of yourself and you will realize that it was worth it. Hello. My name is Fatma Akbaş. Sports and physical activities are very important for healthy living. We have to win the habit. we should walk at least half an hour every day. If you do not want to pay to go to the gym ,my advice is to save an hour to do some simple exercises . You can look for exercises on the internet and this link: you need to take some time to make yourself healthy and look good, and you should do sports. Hello my name is Feraye AKGÜN. The biggest benefits of doing sports; our body and brain to feel fit, to be happy, to reduce stress, to increase our respect for ourselves, to improve our appetite, increase our appetite, increase our daily energy and increase our quality of life. I have a different suggestion that will allow you to ride. For cycling, making cycling easy every day. In addition, cycling every day allows you to spend more time on everything else. It is also a sport that can be done easily to make healthy walking every day. Hi, my name is Alp Tatar. I'll give you some tips about healthy food and drink. First of all, it is very important to start the day with breakfast. Energetic and energetic In addition, we need to get enough amount of nutrient groups that our body needs. We should use low amounts of fat and protein and carbohydrates. It is very important to have healthy eating and drinking during meal hours. Eating after 9 pm affects human health badly. The main meals of a person should be 3. We should also consume at least 2 liters of water per day. Water is very important in human life. We must stay away from harmful food and drinks. As a result, if we apply these important issues in our lives, we will be healthy. I am Emir Ali Karakurt. Sport takes an important place in my life. However, sports alone is not enough. In addition, healthy diet holds an important place. I go to the gym on a regular basis and I am running in the early hours of the morning. When I can not go to the gym, I do plank, push-ups, shuttle and stretching at home.