Healthiness #1 | Page 8

We life in a society full of rules, stress, problems, noises, people’s opinions, criticisms, stereotypes… all people need take a break to breath and reflect on our life. In our routine and monotonous life, a time comes when we need to get away, so you can choose for a good, peaceful and healthy option… going to countryside!

Countryside has plenty of advantages for our health, mood and mind. If you feel that your stress rate is high, you have an unhealthy life level and you need to change your routine, don’t worry!, here we provide you some pieces of advices and ideas to do and relax in the countryside:

First of all, if you only want to spend holidays, find a good and legal place in countryside, you can opt for a cottage or you can camp in a special zone for camping, maybe you decide to go to live for a long time, so in this case you should rent a vacation house or buy a house.