Health For Teens May 2014 | Page 19

Check nutrition labels! Although this may be silly it is a useful way to keep track of how many fats are getting into your body, how much carbs, vitamins, proteins, etc you are consuming.

Avoid sugary products! We normally assume only candy and desserts contain sugar, but that’s not true. Other products such as canned foods, fast foods, etc. We can change this by reducing on the amount of sodas we drink to drinking sparkling water, if not you can choose to eat foods that are naturally sweet such as fruit. Some of the disadvantages of eating too much sugary products would be diabetes, chronic diseases, and affecting your immune system to fight viruses.

Stay away from salty foods! Eating too much salty foods can cause you to have high blood pressure, brain problems, and kidney problems, so in order to stay away from such a terrible sickness we should limit ourselves to 1500-2300 milligrams per day, this would be equivalent to 10-12 bags of potatoes chips. Also the biggest change we can cut down on would be the consumption of junk foods such as potato chips, but if you really crave potato chips or other salty foods you can choose to buy the plain flavored items and add your own toppings to them such as chili powder and garlic powder that way you won’t be adding too much salt into your system.