Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 8, issue - 4, 1 October 2023 | Page 23

What is the Problem in Concrete Terms ?

How To Be Your Own Therapist

Solving problems starts with knowing how to think about them .

Your family doctor , or therapist , often start by breaking down a problem to identify symptoms / patterns .

You can do the same yourself by defining specific behaviours , triggers , and the skills you need .

It ' s always helpful to build in support : Someone to encourage you , give you new ideas , hold you accountable .

You go to your family doctor because you are having stomach pains . You see a therapist because you ’ ve been feeling anxious . Both start by asking about symptoms , patterns , what helps , and what doesn ’ t , and by your answers , zero in on possible underlying causes and eliminate possible treatment options . Solving a problem starts with breaking it down .
But if you are stuck solving an emotional or relationship problem , you can do the same yourself be your own therapist . Here are some questions and statements to help you untangle your problem and move toward a solution .

What is the Problem in Concrete Terms ?

“ What brings you here today ?” asks your doctor , your therapist . Telling your doctor you ’ re not feeling well or a therapist that you ’ re not happy are not solvable problems too vague . You need something concrete to focus on : I ’ m worried I ’ ll get fired from my job ; I don ’ t know how to handle my daughter ’ s tantrums ; my partner and I are arguing a lot . By zeroing in on a specific problem , concrete behaviours , you know what to focus on and fix .