Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 5

' big ' always - or as the current parlance has it : ' a person of size '. It was his hormones , glands ... whatever . " Mark , how come you never see fat Biafras on those famine news reports ? Surely some of them must have fat genes !" " Err ..." Sam was right ; overweight people are treated differently . Men negatively discriminate against fat women on dating websites ( 1 ) and larger men are pigeon-holed as ' jolly ' or comical , but not as masculine or even as intelligent as their slimmer , toned peers ( 2 ) .
Hypnotherapy for weight loss is not like a sugar hit
" What I need ," said Sam , " is an instant hypnotic suggestion implanted into my head ." " What , like an instant psychological sugar hit ?!" People will often relate to food the way they relate to other things and vice versa . Hypnosis can seem miraculous , but the ' instant hit ' mentality had been keeping Sam fat - we needed to discard it . Hypnosis isn ' t a pill ( even most pills don ' t work instantly ). It ' s not just a case of telling someone to be a certain way and that ' s it , now they ' re sorted ... forever . Actually , treating post-traumatic stress disorder ( especially if it ' s related to just one event ) can be pretty instant , but obesity is a condition that can have many different contributing factors . If , for example , I hypnotically commanded Sam to " eat less ", then what ? He might eat less , but his energy levels would drop , he ' d move his body less ; and as his metabolism slowed , he ' d burn less fat . And that ' s the crux of the matter ; losing fat . When people say they want to lose weight , they really mean they want to lose fat - not water or muscle tone . No , we needed an overall approach . I could see Sam understood this and was prepared to ' consume ' his hypnosis sensibly . He was not expecting to gorge and feel instantly satisfied ( only to discharge it soon afterwards without absorbing its nutriment ). So how does hypnosis work for weight loss ?