Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 6

Hypnosis and weight loss - how it works 

Hypnosis works because it works on the level of feelings , patterns , and unconscious motivations . It ' s much better when we feel we want to eat healthily rather than just think that we should . Used well , hypnosis will help people naturally feel like making the right choices . This doesn ' t mean that someone who ' s had hypnotherapy for weight loss will never have to use their willpower , but it does mean they ' ll feel better able to use it .
Some hypnotic approaches for weight loss
When helping people to lose weight using hypnotherapy , I use a number of approaches , including :
• Using hypnosis to maximise motivation to eat well .
• Using hypnosis to encourage an increase in fat-burning metabolism . And I might suggest that at a certain time each day , their legs will become very restless and " let them know " it ' s time to exercise ; just like a dog wanting its walk badgering its owner .
• Using metaphor , such as describing a sculptor working bit by bit with a shapeless rock to " find " the " real form " in the rock - and , having found it , discarding all the needless rock .
• Suggesting the person envisage seeing themselves in a fat suit and what it ' s going to be like to feel so relieved to begin to discard one layer at a time and to inhabit their " real body ".
• Suggesting , though , that they don ' t mainly focus on weight , but rather on fitness and health .
• Distinguishing between " fake food " ( processed carbs , sugars , chemically altered stuff ) and " real food ".
• Using disassociation by talking about the body having its own " needs " and the unconscious mind working with the body " regardless of the habits of the conscious mind " to eat healthily .
• Using a hypnotic journey metaphor and suggesting that at each stage of the journey , they can notice how the pressure on their feet feels lighter , how their body feels better , what clothes they are now wearing .