Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 38

wishes or advice of others , particularly that of close friends and family . Be true to yourself regardless . Walk your own path .
Make your decisions based upon your own personal truths - no one else ’ s . Have faith and trust in your dreams and follow their lead .
Patience is an important key . Finding your life ’ s purpose may take time to discover and nurture . Trust that everything happens in divine right timing .
If you are feeling unfulfilled and know there is ‘ more to life ’ out there for you , take the time , patience and commitment to find your true life purpose . Once you find your passion and begin to live your purpose , it will be well worth it for you for the rest of your life .
" When a man is willing and eager , the gods join in ." - Aeschylus
Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes