" NOVEMBER 2020 "
Whatever people and circumstances are inappropriate for your spiritual growth will be ejected from your life , So be prepared for interesting times .
Yes , this card here indicates The core of your being and the roots of your world are about to transform . Independent behaviour , independence from family psychodrama , women ' s independence ( As per your situation ) are on card .
Uncompromising state of mind ; refusal to act without integrity or to hedge one ’ s bet for comfort . Whatever happens or happening will have Long lasting impact on you , with profound consequences for your nature and attitude towards life .
The process is initially tempestuous then calming . Accepting . the inevitable . Refusal to tolerate bad behaviour from others ; reacting powerfully to belittling remarks , put downs and abuse . Overall , cleaning away the dead wood of karmic inertia so that " Life " can flow .
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All materials Published and used in this Journal " Healing and hypnotherapy are © property of “ Global Centre of Healing and Hypnotherapy “ It ’ s material can be used for educational purposes only after the permission of Particular writer or contact Editor . As , everyone ’ s email is available to seek permission . In case of any dispute Editor ’ s words are Final . This Journal can be Shared anywhere its free for all . ( c )