important to you . Sometimes some sort of serendipitous situation or event will take place in order to jolt your hidden personal passions and purpose .
Ask yourself : ‘ What makes me happy ?’ - and answer honestly . Take the opportunity to really analyse your happiness . What brings you true Joy ?
Write a list ... you may see a trend develop . What is stopping you from pursuing your joys and turning them into a life purpose or mission ?
If you are spending a great deal of your time doing menial tasks , working at a job you loathe or living in a way that is unfulfilling for you , recognise and acknowledge this – then be ready for change .
Think about what frustrates you , what excites you , what motivates you , what disinterests you . Take conscious note of your reactions as these may indicate where your true purpose lies .
Ask yourself what you love to do , what you love about yourself , what you love about your life .
Ask yourself what is really important to you ? What ‘ causes ’ do you lean towards ? What and / or who inspires you ?
How could you make a positive difference to the world for yourself and others ? When we live our passions and life purposes we are fulfilled , satisfied and happy . This positive vibration spreads and reverberates to every corner of your life and serves as an example for others to follow .
Trust yourself to make the right choices for YOU . Listen to your innervoice – then trust it .
Sometimes your inner voice may lead you along a path that could bring you great personal joy and fulfilment , but may seem a little unorthodox , unsuited or inappropriate to family , friends or peers in their view and judgement . Sometimes finding and living your purpose could mean going against the