Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 36

Your Life Mission - The Purpose of Your Life

In order to awaken your true life ’ s purpose you need to be ready to accept ‘ change ’. Change may come in the form of a change in consciousness , a change in belief-sets and / or thought-patterns , a distinct career change , a change in lifestyle choices .
Most of us have asked the question in one way or another , “ What should I be doing with my life ? What ’ s my purpose ?”
This is not an easy question ....
To find your answers : · Listen to your intuition . . Still your thinking , analytical mind . Listen . Everyone has an inner-voice that acts as our internal radar system and guide . We just have to listen to it and trust it in order to be led by it successfully .
Feelings and messages about our purpose and passion often come as a gnawing thought or a reminder of what sparks your interests and what is