Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 28

lose focus and disengage from the process if no change was noticed early on .
Even in cases where interventions may prove particularly difficult , such as in those with autism , a significant benefit can still be achieved with some minor adaptations and consideration .
Could HISP be the future of mental health support in schools ?
HISP is by no means the only intervention for helping children and young people , nor is it necessarily always the best one . But it is a valuable addition to a school ’ s toolkit when they notice a pupil that needs support .
As misconceptions are overcome and the word spreads , it is my hope that one day HISP will be as commonplace and accepted within schools as counsellors are today .
(* all names and personal details have been changed to protect the identity of the young person )
www . hypnotherapyinschools . co . uk .
 -director of Managing Minds
Ltd . www . managingminds . co . uk 
 -trainee psychotherapeutic counsellor .
 -Mindfulness Now Accredited Teacher .

-Qualified practitioner of Brain Working Recursive Therapy . www . bwrt . org
-Clinical supervisor for hypnotherapy students and qualified clinical hypnotherapists . 

-Fully qualified teacher with 16 years experience in education working with pupils aged 4-17 years in both mainstream schools and specialist provision . 
 -Used hypnotherapy successfully for a flying phobia and during pregnancy / birth . 

My Background 
 I became interested in hypnotherapy while completing my degree . I put it to the test by receiving treatment for a fear of flying . It was a complete success and I was so amazed by how simple and effective it had been that I immediately trained to become a hypnotherapist myself .
 Specialist Areas 

As a result of my personal experience I specialise in the following areas :
• Children and Young People
• Flying Phobia
• Pregnancy and Childbirth