NOVEMBER in 2020
MONTH OF MANIFESTATION . - Number 11 in 2020 …. Energy of four ( 4 ) and total = 6
Wow ! Manifest your loving home in every way . Thats one of the most important message of this month .
All Master Numbers are powerful and have volunteered to come back to help the race . The pathway is often hidden and one must learn through experiences in both the outer and inner-worlds . 11 is a high vibration and needs to keep centred at all times . There is a tendency to sway from high to low ; Spiritual to Material ; Material to Physical ; Practical to Impractical .
The high energy of the 11 is a fast vibration which will require some form of outlet where there can be active participation , whether it be through one ’ s own profession , or some charitable organization . Working with others gives the opportunity to be the inspirational leader this number represents and the number 11 must remember to set an example for others to learn from .
Numerologically , November is the 11th month of the year and carries the energies of the Master Number 11 . The number 11 is a ‘ karmic ’ number , so throughout November pay attention to your repetitive thoughts and ideas as they are ‘ answers ’ to your prayers . Be aware that you will manifest your thought , therefore , do not think negative thoughts as these are what you will draw into your life .
During the month of November we have the date 11 / 11 , which has great spiritual significance . On the 11th of the 11th focus and meditate upon your dreams , wants and desires as the Universe is open to whatever it is you truly want in your life . You could also meditate on whatever it is that is troubling you and ask for a quick resolution to the problem . Make the most of 11 / 11 in positive , life-affirming ways .