Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 27

HISP is frequently called upon to support youngsters with anxiety-based issues and / or lack of confidence or self-worth , but it can help with a wide range of other issues . It ’ s been used to alleviate excessive exam anxiety and enable pupils to perform at their best . It ’ s also been used to help with emotional regulation , sleep issues , self-harm , fears / phobias , and eating issues .
It can even help with the psychological components of diagnosed mental health issues such as OCD , ASD , ADHD , selective mutism , depression , and generalised anxiety disorder , to name but a few .
All these issues , and many more besides , can negatively affect a young person ’ s ability to learn , as well as affecting their overall mental health and wellbeing . Schools have a responsibility to help students deal with these issues , and hypnotherapy is proving to be a great way to do this . HISP can succeed where other therapies have failed
HISP is really versatile and can help a wide range of pupils , as long as they want to be helped and are willing to give it a go . In that way , it ’ s no different to any other intervention . No therapy will work effectively if a person is attending under duress .
The main limiting factor as to which pupils can receive hypnotherapy is receptive language ability , which ideally needs to be at the level of approximately a 5 – 6 year old as a minimum . Hypnotherapy is language based , and it ’ s difficult to simplify the language below this level and still be effective . In my experience , HISP can prove very effective with pupils who don ’ t like talking about their feelings in the way that more traditional counselling might require them to do .
It is also good for those who have tried other approaches with no success , as children and young people often perceive hypnotherapy as a bit different to usual interventions and are therefore open to the possibility it might offer a different outcome .
Many pupils who have previously refused to engage with other therapies will be willing to participate in hypnotherapy . Positive changes are often observed fairly quickly , within weeks rather than months or years , and this can be a great motivator for youngsters who would