Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 16

there ’ s less stress and tension . Giving yourself permission to have a laid-back mindset will also act as a natural guard against further ego defence mechanisms from taking root .
 I hope the advice in this article has helped . Remember to take your time and go easy on yourself . Your ego is a complex and multi-layered force within you that requires time and gentleness to dismantle . But by arming yourself with this knowledge and the above tools , you will eventually free yourself from dysfunctional patterns and negative habits . The result will be an increased sense of inner freedom , centred-ness , love , and selfunderstanding . 

lonerwolf . com in
2012 . 
 As a shaman , soulwork therapist and spiritual guide , Sol ’ s mission is to help others experience freedom , wholeness , and peace in any stage of LIFE .