Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 17

What Tim did next

Emergency Hypnosis

“ Her screams sounded as if she were being murdered !”
This is how Tim described the eardrum-piercing wails of immense pain and horror coming from his 14-year-old daughter after he accidentally crushed her hand in the heavy steel door of his 5,500-pound SUV . Tim said that he was extremely startled at first ; his mind raced to process what was actually happening before he could even turn around to see what had happened . He said that he instantly spun around , whipping the door open , to see the mangled , bloated hand of his precious baby girl .
It was his fault . He had slammed the back door on his daughter ’ s hand as she grabbed the outside of the truck door ’ s frame in a last-minute decision to exit the vehicle . Tim could have easily panicked in this situation . Instead he did something else .
What Tim did next
Before he knew it , before he could think , Tim ’ s skills kicked in . Tim took control . Through his training in emergency hypnosis , he immediately recognized that , though hysterical , his daughter was already in a highly focused and absorbed trance state . She was totally focused because of the sheer pain she now found herself in .
Tim also knew that if he could get and maintain her attention , he could ‘ hijack ’ her trance state and hypnotically lead her subconscious mind from a state of pain and horror to a state of calm and relief . With his knowledge of direct hypnotic commands , Tim was able to instruct her brain and nervous system on how to respond .
His understanding of representational systems ( knowing whether she favoured visual , auditory or kinaesthetic sensory experience ) enabled him to select the very best modality to communicate with his daughter . Lastly , his confidence in the five emergency hypnosis techniques ( listed below ) put several powerful options at his disposal , guaranteeing success in helping his frightened , injured child .