Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 15

5 . Cut yourself some slack 

- Find a quiet and undisturbed place ,
 -If it helps to set the mood , play some quiet ambient music in the background ,
 -Sit down on a chair or cushion , keeping your back straight .
 -Close your eyes ( or if you prefer , leave them slightly ajar ),
 -Bring your attention to your breath ,
 -Notice your chest / belly rise and fall , or the air enter and exit your nostrils ( whichever is easier for you ),
 -When your thoughts wander , notice the thought , and draw your focus back to your breath ,
 -Continue this practice for five minutes ,
 -When finished , do a little stretch and slowly transition to the rest of your day ,
 Eventually , you will be able to notice the thoughts that arise more and more . You ’ ll realise how busy and how much of a chatterbox your mind is ( don ’ t worry , all of us struggle with hyperactive minds ). But with constant meditation , your mind will begin to calm down and you ’ ll be able to catch ego defence mechanisms as they arise . 
 Don ’ t be put off by the simplicity of this practice . It may be simple , but it is tremendously powerful and empowering .

5 . Cut yourself some slack 

Go easy on yourself . It ’ s easy to have a perfectionistic mindset even about the above healing techniques . So realise that you ’ re human , you ’ re bound to make mistakes , you very likely will mess up , and this is all normal and okay .
 When you adopt a ‘ relaxed attitude ’ that allows room for failure ,