Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 37

• Reliving the past constantly • Thoughts of suicide Do you feel emotionally uncomfortable? Connect to that uncomfortable emotion and use Trauma Tapping. 
 After A Session It is important to give the person some quiet time for recalibration and peace after a session. You can ask them what the Subjective Units of Distress (SUD) level (0-10)
 of the emotion or feeling is after the tapping, when bringing back the same memories that they thought of in the pre-evaluation. In some situations, we just say “What do you notice?”. What can I expect? There can be many positive effects of a TTT session " Feeling relaxed " Feeling sleepy " Feeling energized " Change of feelings " New feelings bubbling up " Laughter or tears " Disconnecting pain from memories " Feeling positively confused " Feeling happy Our experience is that every new emotion during or after a session is a sign of change going on. If a negative emotion surfaces in a TTT session there is a simple solution: do a second session on the new emotion. We guarantee that if you follow this instruction, the person will end up feeling relaxed. Feelings are layered like the skin of an onion. Grief can