Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 18

Creating boundaries means creating a safe place that is free from the influence of your parent/s. Learn more about assertiveness, discover your needs, and find the areas in life where you need to draw a strong boundary, put down your feet, and say a firm “no.” 7. Do inner child work Being emotionally abandoned creates a painfully deep wound within you. This wound needs to be addressed so that you can live free of the self-destructive patterns, relationship issues, and health crises that inevitably come with carrying a battered inner child. To begin inner child work, it’s important that you simultaneously learn how to love yourself and go for inner child work to continue this healing journey. *** Emotional maturity is a crucial life skill that, tragically, many people don’t possess a whit of. When our parents lack emotional maturity, we will inevitably grow up feeling lost, abandoned, alone, rejected, and fundamentally unseen. I hope this article has shown you that you don’t need to stay in the victim role anymore. Aletheia Luna is an influential psychospiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide, she is currently based in Perth, Australia. After escaping the religious sect she was raised in, Luna experienced a profound existential crisis that led to her spiritual awakening. As a spiritual counselor and author, Luna's mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and find joy, empowerment, and liberation in any circumstance. Contact : lonerwolf.com