Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 19

BENEFICIAL THOUGHT: YOUR LUCKY CRYSTAL FOR 2020, BASED ON YOUR LIFE PATH NUMBER Crystals are wonderful things. To tap into the magic of a crystal is to tap into the essence of the earth itself. We have crystals for all different things: crystals for healing, crystals for travelling, crystals for strength, crystals for love, crystals for wisdom – and so forth. But what about crystals for your life path number? The life path number is mysterious because it represents – as the term suggests – the path your life will take and it is discovered through adding your birth date up until you reach a single digit. Of course, we all have free will, but the life path number goes into detail about the lessons you were meant to learn while on earth and the type of obstacles you are likely to meet. By exploring the life path number, we can deduce the specific challenges and values we were meant to come across and encompass. Crystals and the life path number are intertwined because they both represent aspects of the Universal consciousness, a mysterious force that connects us all. As we approach 2020, it can be very handy for us to know which crystals are luckiest for us based on our life path number. To find out your life path number, add up your date of birth, month of birth and year of birth. Whatever number you have if it is two digit add them up together, you will find your life path number.