Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 6, 1 December 2019 | Page 5

experience it occurrence day in and out. Few examples are watching T.V. / Movies Driving on our daily routes to work, listening to good music. It may be intriguing to note here that nearly all situations whereas we operate on auto pilot like driving on a regular route, we enter a trance like state! Now that we all know that our body and mind is already tuned in experiencing these mild trance like states, we can easily go ahead and consciously induce that trance to achieve a specific intent. This is self Hypnosis. Yes! its that simple and effortless and effective procedure where we using simple relaxation and visualisation procedure can guide our mind and body to enter a very relaxed dream like state, and then work with the goals / in tents we seek to achieve / manifest. A few steps which we may like to follow for achieving maximum results may as follows : 1. Choose a cozy silent place to start with and a time where you are not likely to be disturbed for the next 30 to 45 minutes. 2. If you like you may choose a soft soothing background sound like the sound of rippling/ waves / nature/ forests any soft instrumental track etc… to help you relaxed and cut surrounding sounds - just let it play in background. 3. You can use any visualisation / mental images that you like for example: beach, meow, hills etc… or simply by imagining that †he space around you is filled with a soft comforting light (white light or any other as per your own preference) and feel it filling your lungs at each inhalation. 4. As you see this light filling you, feel it spreading gently to each and every part of your body, and its spreads to each and every muscle and tissue in your body. Feel your whole body getting very very relaxed, slowly becoming lighter and lighter with each inhalation, as if the whole body slowly is glowing in the light and light like “The Light”. 5. At this stage visualise the goal/ intent/ task you seek to achieve happening - like a movie in your mind’s eye.See yourself doing and experiencing it all. 6. Let your visualisation be as vivid as possible, see it , touch it , hear it, smell it, Yes! experience in full colours with emotions ! Let yourself be immersed in that experience and see it manifest and live it ! Lets say you want. to improve upon socialisation, public interaction / speaking skills as you in your life find it difficult to approach people or start a