Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 30

qualities. The 11 energy is not truly practical, but its contribution in its unique perspective and philosophy which instigates new consciousness is invaluable. 11's energy is very highly-strung, intense, mercurial, polarized (off and on) and subtle. 11s tend to lead a life of extremes. In their quest to find a balance between the rational and the irrationality they will often pursue the most eclectic of religions and cultures. The 11 energy fears drudgery, restriction, ugliness of any kind and boredom. 11 develops 'Soul Power' through loving, selfless service. With the 11 influencing you with your Day or Destiny, you are all about enlightenmentThis energy is loving and caring - however, the are also sensitive, and may have trouble with their self-esteem. They enjoy the company of their friends and any quarrelling is very upsetting for them. Those born on the 11th will make their mark on the world – perhaps in the media professions. All Master Numbers are powerful and have volunteered to come back to help the race. The pathway is often hidden and one must learn through experiences in both the outer and inner-worlds. 11 is a high vibration and needs to keep centred at all times. There is a tendency to sway from high to low; Spiritual to Material; Material to Physical; Practical to Impractical. The high energy of the 11 is a fast vibration which will require some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through one’s own profession, or some charitable organisation. Working with others gives the opportunity to be the inspirational leader this number represents and the number 11 must remember to set an example for others to learn from. Number 11 can be a leader when the vibration is raised to the two 1’s that compose it. A desire to uplift others brings in the Master Teacher, for true Mastery is service to others. If the 11 does not respond to the Higher Vibration it will be working on the Lower Level of the number 2 and will be operating in a position of support to others. The need is always to raise the number 2 to the Master 11 vibration and respond to the Higher Energies of the Visionary and bring in the Spiritual Messenger as the Master Teacher. When man reaches the higher stages he responds to the Master forces of numbers 9, 11 and 22 When these forces become fully active in man he acquires the ability to create new conditions, a new body, a new life, all in harmony with the ‘Divine Image’ in whose likeness he was fashioned in the beginning.