Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 29
Astrological Equivalent:
Tarot Card:
The Number 11 is the first of the Master Numbers, and as a Master Number
is not usually reduced down to a single numeral. The Tarot card related to
the Number 11 is the Justice card, and 11 is related to the Star Sign
The Master Number 11 is usually called 'the Illuminator', 'the Messenger' or
'the Teacher', as those under the influence of this Master Number are here
to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to
others and to help raise spiritual awareness.
Number 11 is the number of trials, tests and treachery from others.
The Master Numbers possess more potential than other numbers. They are
often highly charged, difficult to deal with and require time, maturity and
great effort to integrate into one's personality. Master Number 11 people are
very powerful and have volunteered to incarnate to help the human race.
Their pathway is often hidden, and one must learn through experiences in
both the outer and inner-worlds. Master Number 11 represents
11 is a high vibration and needs to stay centred and balanced at all times.
There is a tendency to sway from high to low, quickly. The high energy of
the 11 will require some form of outlet where there can be active
participation, whether it be through ones own profession, or some charitable
inspirational leader this number represents.
11 is an idealist in that they can see the bigger picture through revelations
and intuition. Master Number 11 draws on the cosmic forces for inspiration
and enlightenment, through pronounced intuitive and psychic abilities.
They must, however, avoid getting involved in the 'nit-picking' tendencies of
the number 2 vibration. The 11 person must remember to set an example
for others to learn from.
The Number 11 symbolises the principle of enlightenment and 11 colours
everything with drama, a visionary outlook, artistic sensitivity and 'sparkling'