Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 28

Numerology and Master Numbers Master Numbers:-When man reaches the higher stages he responds to the Master forces of numbers 9, 11 and 22. When these forces become fully active in man he acquires the ability to create new conditions, a new body, a new life, all in harmony with the ‘Divine Image’ in whose likeness he was fashioned in the beginning. NUMBER 11 11 - MASTER TEACHER - KARMIC MASTER TEACHER The Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, idealism, intuitive, psychic abilities, channelling, poetry, art/artistic, symbols, expression, dreamer, revolution, drugs, alternate consciousness, mysticism, catalyst, prisoner, prophet, celebrity, highly energised, radical, sensitive, visionary, enthusiastic, creative/creativity. The Ruler: Neptune Colours: Silver, glossy white, black, violet Gemstones/Metals: Platinum, silver, mother of pearl Guardian/Archangel Angel: Archangel Uriel Uplifting and inspirational, Uriel guides you to the truth and nurtures balance.