Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 31

Numbers 11 and 22 vibrate to all tones of the musical scale. They also respond to the entire planetary octave. Masons are taught that 11 is the most important number because with the possession within the 2 unites (equilibrium) one may come into possession of all things. 11 then becomes the priestly messenger bringing to all mankind the glad tiding of great joy. 11 and 22 are secret workers; silent, aloof and alone. Their workshop is the cosmos and their tools the latent forces of Divinity residing in the heart of all life. 11 embraces the opposites in both Heaven and Hell which both vibrate to the number 11. The upright columns before the entrance of every mystery temple, Masonic included, are synonymous of the power and purpose of 11. Black and white are the colours of 11, signifying truth, latent and active, hidden and revealed. Violet also belongs to 11 and signifies the illumination which the Spirit gains through sorrow. 11 develops Soul power through loving, selfless service. There are many places where you can find a Master Number in your own chart. If you are born on the 11th or 29th you have an 11/2 Day 11 number. If your date of birth adds up to 11, 29, 38 or 47, you have an 11/2 Life Path or Destiny Number 11. Each different aspect has more to say about the particular role your Master Number has for you. Your full name can give you a soul, personality or destiny Master Number 11/2. 11 DAY NUMBER The 11 is a Karmic number and those under its influence will experience many 'challenges' in their lifetimes. It is also a 'Master Number', indicating that you will excel in any job where you help others. 11 Day Number individuals are drawn to assist others in their understanding of themselves, and often set themselves up as the 'fall guy' for others as their energies can rise above the mundane to exel on higher levels of spirituality and inner-knowing. 11s will sometimes sacrifice their time and energy in the pursuit of uplifting and enlightening others on a day to day basis.