Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 3, 1 September 2019 | Page 38
mindfulness, self-hypnosis, 7 th path Self-hypnosis® and meridian
tapping (also known an EFT), which are simple tools they can use, to
self-regulate themselves to feel calm whenever they experience an
uncomfortable feeling. I myself have been using these simple tools
and they have worked beautifully for me to remain calm whenever I
experience an uncomfortable feeling. Daily emotional hygiene is
equally as important as physical hygiene to remain healthy.
As I always say we are all work in progress and its my responsibility to
create peace, joy and clarity within me. I cannot change my childhood
or my past, but I can take responsibility for creating a better present
and better future for myself and for my loved ones. This is what I call
self-love. Self-love is self-care. I feel it is essential for every human
being to learn tools of self-regulation so that we don’t act out or blame
others or our loved ones for our emotional suffering. Ignorance about
self only leads to suffering. Knowing the truth sets you free.
6. Tell us something about what you specialise in.
I specialise in healthy weight management. Being overweight as a
child and teenager affected me mentally, physically and emotionally.
Before my journey into hypnotherapy, the only way I could lose weight
was to diet and exercise. This worked well for a short time but then I
would go back to my old eating habits. My mind would come up with
excuses to stay away from my exercise. I couldn’t understand; there
was a part of me, who wanted to eat healthy, look good, be slim and fit
and there was another part of me who wanted to eat all the unhealthy
stuff. There was this constant cycle of eat now, regret, feel guilty,
promise to start healthy eating tomorrow. But the healthy eating
pattern never stayed for long because whenever uncomfortable
feelings would come up, eating was the only way to give myself those