Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 24

 HOW TO MANIFEST BETWEEN THE FULL MOON & NEW MOON The Moon is a mysterious and wonderful planet that rules over the sign Cancer in Western Astrology and the Goat in Chinese Astrology. Both of these signs encompass qualities associated with the Moon: powerful emotions, creativity, intuition, nurture, and moodiness. People with a lot of Moon in their chart tend to have strong psychic abilities and an interest in the occult. The Moon is associated with feminine energy and Yin energy. Unlike the Sun which is Yang and a masculine energy, the Moon taps into our subconscious. When the Moon is full, you may notice that some people tend to go a bit loopy! This is where the word ‘lunacy’ comes from, the Latin word ‘Luna’ which means ‘Moon’. In Astrology, your Moon sign represents your deepest emotional side. In Esoteric Astrology, it represents the sign you have lived in during previous incarnations. So, with so many splendid layers attached to her, how can we harness the Moon’s powers to help us? The Moon goes through different phases throughout the month. It is always the same cycle, but each phase has its own special meaning. Below is an