Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 25

instruction guide for the different phases of the Moon and advice for how you can make the most of manifesting under the lunar rays! New Moon The New Moon is the time when the manifestation process really begins. This is when the Moon looks invisible in the sky. The New Moon signifies new beginnings and it is a time for taking a step back and thinking of new phases and projects. This is very much a ‘planning’ time and it is also a good idea to set a New Moon ritual as it is a time for setting new intentions. You don’t need anything fancy for rituals! Setting intentions is done with the mind, just as manifesting is. However, crystals, incense and other tools can make your ritual easier for you to concentrate and give it that special something. It can be anything as simple as lighting a candle and meditating with crystals such as moonstone or selenite (both crystals associated with the Moon) and setting your intentions, repeating them to yourself either aloud or in your head. Waxing Crescent This is when the light begins to grow and the Moon is in a crescent shape. This phase is all about the growth of those intentions you made during the New Moon. This is about focusing on the ‘why’ and thinking about what you hope to achieve. Now is a good time to write down your list of intentions. First Quarter Moon The Moon at this point is half dark, half light. This is the time for decisionmaking and taking action. Much goes into the thought process at this point. Spend some time quietly meditating as you think about your previous decisions and ways to overcome future obstacles. At this point, you are likely to be filled with greater strength and determination so it is a good idea to meditate with or wear the crystals tiger’s eye or amethyst. These help push back any doubt or fear. The First Quarter Moon is also an excellent time for transforming emotional energy into creative passion. So working on creative projects can be highly fruitful at this time. Waxing Gibbous The light is much stronger now and it almost looks full, but not quite. This is the time for refining those intentions. Tweaking your goals, paying